Recent evidence suggests that taxing sugary drinks may be an effective way of reducing their consumption. The latest proof, published in 2017 in Health Affairs, examined beverage purchasing trends in Mexico following the implementation of a tax on sugar sweetened drinks.
What was found?
Following the implementation of the tax in 2014 (1 peso per litre on sugar sweetened beverages – equivalent of 7 cents Canadian per litre), purchases of sugar sweetened drinks fell 5.5% that year and 9.7% in 2015.
Why is this important?
Most people don’t realize, but added sugars in foods and beverages can contribute significantly to total daily caloric intake, which in turn raises the risk of weight gain, obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Thus, any decrease in consumption of sugar, may lead to decreased rates of obesity, diabetes and chronic disease.
If you would like to know more about nutrition, food choices, meal planning or how Naturopathic Medicine can help you, please call 613-290-6115.
Graham Beaton is a Naturopathic Doctor working in downtown Ottawa.