Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Canada today. An important risk factor that contributes to the development of heart disease is high blood pressure. As the majority of Canadians will develop high blood pressure at some point in their lives, it is important to take steps to promote and maintain healthy blood pressure. Come and learn more about blood pressure, and how to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

This seminar will focus on the following:

  • Description of high blood pressure and hypertension
  • Methods of evaluation and diagnosis
  • Risk factors for developing high blood pressure
  • Description of management

Graham Beaton, BHSc, ND
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Common Ground Collaborative Care

Date and Time:
Tuesday June 11th at 7 pm

Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group – 175 Third Avenue, Ottawa ON

To register for this free event, please contact the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group or call 613-290-6115.